Providing Water and Sanitation for Rural Communities

Dr. Godwin Ofikwu
4 min readJul 19, 2022


Access to safe drinking water is not solely dependent on basic infrastructure. Among the many ways, you may help is by doing one of the things listed below. Life-water, World Vision, and the Planet Water Foundation are all worthy causes. Residents can also benefit from methods that make it easier for them to get their tap water. All of these groups are dedicated to ensuring that everyone has access to a vital human right, namely, clean water.

Life-water has been working for 45 years to enhance the health of families in extreme poverty all around the world. As a result of their work, future generations will have better access to clean water and sanitation. Life-water, a Christian organization, has made it its goal to end the global water and sanitation crises. By donating today, you may make a difference in the lives of others. Visit their website if you’d like to help them out. Visit for more information.

Life-water, on the other hand, places a high value on community involvement in addition to monetary donations. In this way, the organization may build on the community’s strengths and lay the groundwork for growth and poverty reduction activities. Engineers from Life-water and members of the local community work together to help build a water source for children in the village of Monte. They also make an effort to make the water supply available to the entire neighborhood.

World Vision is the world’s foremost non-profit provider of clean water for the developing world, operating in approximately 100 countries. The nonprofit’s aim revolves around improving sanitation and hygiene practices to ensure that the poor have access to safe drinking water. Thousands of development experts work for World Vision. Some of the projects supported by World Vision are featured in this report Also included are testimonies from those who have benefited first-hand.

Schools in Leyte, Philippines, benefit from a cooperation between World Vision and Planet Water to install Aqua Tower filtration systems. There was no reliable source of clean water in the area, making it a breeding ground for diseases spread by contaminated water. Saves lives and minimizes the prevalence of diarrheal diseases by providing clean water for hand washing and sanitation facilities.

The Planet Water Foundation, a non-profit based in the United States, was established to supply communities need with access to safe and clean drinking water. They’re also in charge of things like public health campaigns to promote good cleanliness. Their projects are often aimed at rural, semi-urban, and educational districts in Asia-Pacific areas. With the support of Applied Satellite Technology Ltd., the organization was able to execute its largest water-filtration project to date. Satellite communications were provided by Applied Satellite for the project.

Since 2011, Xylem and the Planet Water Foundation have collaborated on numerous clean-water initiatives. Aqua Tower systems have been installed and hygiene education initiatives have been implemented by employees giving their time in these neighborhoods. As a result of disasters in the Philippines and Honduras, several corporations have contributed to relief efforts in these countries, as well. For thousands, safe drinking water and sanitation will become a reality thanks to the partnership between Xylem and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

Healing Waters is a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide safe drinking water to underserved rural areas around the globe. Because of this, it now serves almost 194,000 individuals per day across 313 locations in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. While providing water filtration systems, the group also provides health and hygiene instruction to people in need. The most important thing is that Jesus is at the center of all they do.

In one initiative, the group went to a village where the water supply was poor and tainted with pollution. NGOs were on hand with chlorine tablets to clean the water even though the piping was old and rusted. Most residents didn’t like the taste or smell of the city’s tap water. Most folks had to boil it first since it was dirty. This approach, on the other hand, is time-consuming and ineffective.

The Last Well aims to improve remote Arctic communities’ access to safe drinking water. This can be accomplished by enhancing the quality of nearby natural water sources, implementing winter-proofing processes, and ensuring that water is transported to outlying areas. In addition, the initiative aims to improve local infrastructure to raise the quality of the water it uses. Is anyone else going to do it for us if we don’t do it ourselves?

To provide safe water to a rural village, the first step is to deal with the sanitation problem. Debris can fall into shallow wells since they are often not protected. Debris might also clog the springs, making them useless. To help villages, the International Medical Corps dig deeper wells and install sanitary systems. On the other hand, they also teach village leaders about sanitation. Village leaders can maintain the wells once they have been built.



Dr. Godwin Ofikwu

Dr. Ofikwu’s desire to serve people began at a young age, and he immediately realized that being a surgeon would allow him to pursue that passion.